Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: The Start of an Age

So with the rise of open world games and multiplayer only games in recent years, the modern military cover based shooter, once the dominant genre in the media, has seen a significant decline in the past few years. With that in mind, I felt it was a good time to take a look back over … Continue reading Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare: The Start of an Age

The Taris Problem: Why Knights of the Old Republic’s Opening Area is so Bad.

All right, so, I've actually been working on this article since the Oracle of Seasons Dungeon Design article. Organizing my notes from my recent playthrough of Taris, plus what I already had, and sorting out the game designs failings from my own all took a long time, so I apologize for their being no article … Continue reading The Taris Problem: Why Knights of the Old Republic’s Opening Area is so Bad.